It is important to know why and which bracelet to purchase in order to obtain and maximize the benefits of your Basha Bracelet.
Here is a guide on which Basha Bracelet is best for you.
Ask yourself..
- What do I want to bring into my life?
- Set a goal and intention.
- Wear your Basha Healing Energy bracelet.
- Experience the positive results!
To keep in mind
Basha jewelry is designed to help the user achieve a desired result. It is very good luck when a rock changes color or when a stone inexplicably bursts. This is a clear sign that the wearer has experienced a release of old energy blockages and that the stones are achieving the desired objective.
Bad energy has been caught by the stones you are wearing. Congratulations! You have achieved an energy breakthrough!
When this happens the energy cycle of your Basha bracelet has achieved its desired result and it may now be time to consider purchasing a new piece of jewelry that is more in tune with your current energy needs.